Working bee. Saturday 1 August
Guest User
Help celebrate all equine birthdays and the start of the new seasons sailing with a working bee. We've got a list of jobs required to get the club and sailing gear in tip top shape for the season. Tasks include:
- splicing ropes for new buoys and tackle
- installing new cables on Davits
- clearing the rear deck of old dollies and flotsam
- tidying the centre of engineering excellence
- repairing a hole in the men's change room wall (so the ladies can't spy on the boys...we know they all want to)
- stocking new fridges, chucking old ones out
- loading your friendly scrap dealer's truck with unwanted/unclaimed metal and rubbish
We'll start at 9, and will be done by 12, to allow people to rig, eat and be sailing by 1pm
Please let or if you have some special skills to contribute. If you don't, just turn up as there is lots of manual work and painting to do!