Periodically (okay, very irregularly -Ed.) we like to highlight new members to help introduce them the rest of the gang. This week, DBSC’s secretary Tory Epsworth caught up with new member Van Allen, and asked her these questions:
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? I was 2 - it was a commercial fishing boat my father had organised to be built for the entire family clan + friends to sneak out of Saigon.
2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? Either an Oyster 885SII or a Hallberg Rassy 69. We're actually looking for a ~38ft but unfortunately do have a limited budget. If anyone's selling or knows of a good one - let me know!
3. What is your sailing goal? To be good enough to race my daughter, Zoe.
4. Tell us the back story to your Laser's name? I don't have my own yet, but when I do, I'll probably call it "Ut Somnia" (Keep Dreaming).
5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be? I do like a hidden top note in my toasties, so maybe pickled red onions?
6. What are your second and third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot). It use to be reading but I would probably say sleeping these days because I generally have drifted off after 2 pages HA!
7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words? Kid's Uber driver / part-time architect!
8. What's the dream destination for your next trip? And why? I've always wanted to go back to Africa - Tanzania, Zanizibar, sail over to Seychelles, Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt. It's just another time over there, the history, the land…
9. What’s your favourite TV show, movie, and or book? I don't really have favourites ‘cause I have such a broad range of tastes... maybe Blade Runner / Dead Poets Society, Highways to a War / The Lacuna, Bridgerton / Hard Quiz..?
10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know? I hung out with Carlos & Ronaldo in a Brazilian dive bar when Real Madrid toured Tokyo in 2003.