79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Race Report - Saturday 22 March 2025

Chris Tattersall

Sprint Racing

After a successful Learn-to-Race morning, the wind abated a little as a short SSE course was laid in Double Bay. A longish offset was set as well. A comment that you could point to the top mark from the start line was soon overruled by massive wind shifts that would have drained the battery of any motorised mark trying to perfect the top mark location. So it was a tactical setup with a regatta style first top mark (i.e., no room for a port tack boat to fit in the train of starboard boats). The favoured side alternated, and frequent tacking was a must. Nobody was OCS for any of the six or so starts, probably due to not having to impress a lot of women on the start line (see following article).  

There are megabytes of video and photos in the WhatsApp chat to continue what was a pleasant day on the harbour. A small selection of these follows (all photos by Roberto Blum).

- Daryl Lawrence, PRO

Fourth Women's Regatta hosted by VYC11

Chris Tattersall

Diana Chen reports on last Saturday’s event. All photos courtesy of the Vaucluse Yacht Club.

The 4th annual Women’s Regatta was held on Saturday 22 March, hosted by Vaucluse Yacht Club. 32 competitors from 11 different clubs battled it out on Sydney Harbour on a glorious autumn afternoon, with a shifty breeze from the south/west which tested the skills and patience of the sailors. DBSC was well represented with 10 competitors across the ILCA4 & ILCA6 fleets. Results as follows:


Harper Spacey – 1st overall, 1st 15-21 age category
Charlotte Jenkins – 2nd overall, 2nd 15-21 age category
Zoe Allen – 5th overall, 5th 15-21 age category
Lucy Balderstone – 9th overall, 1st Under 15 age category
Isabelle Wilkins – 10th overall, 3rd Open age category


Sara Bruce – 1st overall, 1st 15-21 age category
Diana Chen – 6th overall, 4th Masters age category
Kate McHugh – 7th overall, 5th Masters age category
Pia Hattersley – 12th overall, 8th Masters age category
Tory Epworth – 15th overall, 11th Masters age category

The day began with yoga on the deck, followed by breakfast, workshops in strategy/rules/fitness/nutrition; and ended with an inspirational Q&A with Vanessa Dudley, Carolijn Brouwer, and Evie Hasseldine. Events like this are important for females at every stage of their sailing journeys, whether those include competing on the world stage, or maintaining fitness and friendships in club racing. It is a show of solidarity in one of the toughest sailing classes there is, and an inspiration to keep at it, as sailing is for life.

We hope you can support your partners, mums and daughters to learn to sail or get back into sailing as we’d love to see more females on the water, especially in an ILCA/Laser.

Special thanks to:

  • Vaucluse Yacht Club and all their volunteers for hosting a great event

  • Friends and family of the competitors, especially Van Allen who provided support on and off the water (and all the parents that give up so much of their time to chauffeur the younger sailors every week)

  • DBSC members that helped get us to the regatta (John Vasey for towing in the morning, and Dan Costandi for getting his mum back in a boat and racing)

  • Clare Alexander for being a groundbreaker in the development of this event

DBSC Adventure Picnic 2025

Guest User

The Family Adventure Picnic has become a tradition at DBSC. This year’s adventure is THIS SUNDAY at CHOWDER BAY [see map directions here]. We especially love Chowder Bay for its accessible parking, nearby cafe, and kid-friendly swimming pen and parkland. So, we're looking forward to seeing you and the rest of your clan. We'll set up camp at the east end of the beach. It’s a 12pm splash @DBSC, with picnic lunch served at 1pm.

$10 per head, plus drinks that you can add to your canteen account at the end of the day... plus a sunset sail back home! 

Please RSVP, so we can plan the catering.

Photo from Google Earth


Chris Tattersall

CLub Look-ahead Schedule

  • Wednesday 26 March: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 7:00pm)

  • Thursday 27 March: Twilight Racing (5pm splash, Racing 5:30pm to 7:30pm)

    • Note: This is the final Thursday racing session of the season.

  • Saturday 29 March:

    • MP Kellie Sloan (Member for Vaucluse) visiting the club (~1pm)

    • Autumn Point Score Races 9 & 10 (2pm first warning)

  • Sunday 30 March: DBSC Family Adventure Picnic (see preceding article)

  • Wednesday 2 April: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 6:30pm)

    • Note: This is the final Wednesday Twilight of the season.

  • Saturday 5 April:

    • Ramp opening ceremony (details to follow)

    • Autumn Point Score Races 11 & 12 / Club Champs Races 13 & 14 (2pm first warning)

    • BBQ after racing

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

Race Report - Saturday 15 March 2025

Chris Tattersall

Steve London demonstrates impeccable upwind form. Photo by Andrew Cox.

Autumn Point Score Races 7 & 8

It was a hot steamy day for racing on Saturday. The club was abuzz with activity, hosting both the ILCA Autumn Point Score and the A18s JJ Giltinans. StretchLab had a regular stream of customers for free massages on the deck, and the canteen was in full swing with Paul and Shirley braving the heat and maintaining good cheer while churning out double or triple the usual volume of those "highlight-of-the-week" toasties for the hoards, assisted valiantly by Clare Alexander and Tim Heath. 

The forecast modest north-easter eventually managed to waft its way down the harbour through the heat-haze, bringing tricky conditions for the fleet, with some big right shifts curling round the island, some big left shifts pressing down the harbour, and some race-killing holes to dodge. There were full-hiking moments for those with the stamina for it, demonstrated in a constant close-dueling face-off between Zander Bijkerk and Campbell Patton at the pointy end of the 7s. 

Sara Bruce was left wondering why sailing seems so easy as she comfortably gapped contenders in both races, despite a full first-lap lead from Ian Tudball in R7 and notable early contention from David Murphy in R8. David Airey pulled a solid second over the line (and second on handicap) in R7 to cement his position at the top of the Point Score leaderboard. It is unclear whether or not he was assisted by the pod of dolphins that frolicked among the fleet. 

The onlookers on the start boat, ever hoping for something spectacular, were graciously rewarded with final run capsizes from experienced stalwarts Luke Parker, Geoff Kirk, and Murray Stone. 6yo PRO, Lottie Storer, commandingly coordinated the RC team of Andrew Cox, Scott Hunter, and Ben Byford, delivering tight racing with a bang-on 2pm first warning, precise soundings of the horn, enthusiastic raising and lowering of flags, clear radio instructions to the support RIB team of John Chesterman and Quentin Burns, friendly waves to competitors, and helpful calling of the finishers, punctuated with frequent demands for service of drinks and snacks. The highlight of her day, perhaps other than captaining the Jazzman home, was a downwind high five from Daryl Lawrence as he passed the committee boat. 

Congratulations to handicap winners Tim Health and Geoff Boscoe in the 7s, Brendan Pollard (both races) in the 6s, and Harper Spacey in the 4s. Thanks to Luke Parker for again making his RIB available to fill the gap during the JJs. And a big thanks to all the volunteers, not only to those on duty, but also to all those who work tirelessly to keep our amazing club running year after year and make our racing possible.

- Andrew Cox, PRO

Photos by Andrew Cox:

Photos by John Chesterman:

60 Seconds with Van Allen

Guest User

Periodically (okay, very irregularly -Ed.) we like to highlight new members to help introduce them the rest of the gang. This week, DBSC’s secretary Tory Epsworth caught up with new member Van Allen, and asked her these questions:

1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? I was 2 - it was a commercial fishing boat my father had organised to be built for the entire family clan + friends to sneak out of Saigon.

2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? Either an Oyster 885SII or a Hallberg Rassy 69. We're actually looking for a ~38ft but unfortunately do have a limited budget. If anyone's selling or knows of a good one - let me know!

3. What is your sailing goal? To be good enough to race my daughter, Zoe.

4. Tell us the back story to your Laser's name? I don't have my own yet, but when I do, I'll probably call it "Ut Somnia" (Keep Dreaming).

5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be? I do like a hidden top note in my toasties, so maybe pickled red onions?

6. What are your second and third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot). It use to be reading but I would probably say sleeping these days because I generally have drifted off after 2 pages HA!

7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words? Kid's Uber driver / part-time architect!

8. What's the dream destination for your next trip? And why? I've always wanted to go back to Africa  - Tanzania, Zanizibar, sail over to Seychelles, Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt. It's just another time over there, the history, the land…

9. What’s your favourite TV show, movie, and or book? I don't really have favourites ‘cause I have such a broad range of tastes... maybe Blade Runner / Dead Poets Society, Highways to a War / The Lacuna, Bridgerton / Hard Quiz..?

10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know? I hung out with Carlos & Ronaldo in a Brazilian dive bar when Real Madrid toured Tokyo in 2003.

That’s Van in the cockpit (ninja on the bow is Zoe). Photo from Van Allen.

DBSC Annual Picnic

Guest User

The Family Adventure Picnic has become a tradition at DBSC - join us for this year's adventure to north of the harbour at CHOWDER BAY on SUNDAY 30 MARCH ... [see map directions here]

We love Chowder Bay for its accessible parking, nearby cafe, and kid-friendly swimming pen and parkland. So, we're looking forward to seeing you and the rest of your clan. We'll set up camp at the east end of the beach. It’s a 12pm splash @DBSC, with picnic lunch served at 1pm.

$10 per head, plus drinks that you can add to your canteen account at the end of the day... plus a sunset sail back home...! 

So we can plan the catering, kindly RSVP via this link: https://www.dbsc.com.au/club-events/2025-dbsc-picnic.

Photo from Google Earth


Chris Tattersall

CLub Look-ahead Schedule

  • Wednesday 19 March: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 7:00pm)

  • Thursday 20 March: Twilight Racing (5pm splash, Racing 5:30pm to 7:30pm)

  • Saturday 22 March:

  • Wednesday 26 March: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 7:00pm)

  • Thursday 27 March: Twilight Racing (5pm splash, Racing 5:30pm to 7:30pm)

  • Saturday 29 March:

    • MP Kellie Sloan (Vaucluse) visiting the club (~1pm)

    • Autumn Point Score Races 9 & 10 (2pm first warning)

  • Sunday 30 March: DBSC Family Adventure Picnic (see preceding article)

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.

Race Report - 2025 Metros Regatta hosted by HHSC

Chris Tattersall

Last weekend (8-9 March) Hunters Hill Sailing Club hosted the 2025 Metropolitan Championships Regatta, and competitors were greeted by friend HHSC volunteers who know how to put on a great regatta!

Early arrivals concerned about the light Westerly winds and a few showers were appeased as the wind shifted to the East by lunch time, and filled the course area with a steady +10kts, with some gusts, and a somewhat shifty breeze funneled down the river over the North Shore . The windward mark positioned off Greenwich in the middle of the Parramatta River, and the bottom mark just of the northern end Cockatoo Island - local knowledge was a must and by the end of the day most of sailors had worked out the tidal flows that were at play.

Day two was equally tricky as the wind increased and shifted toward the North-East revealing more blue sky. The top mark off Manns Point (again in the tide) and the bottom mark at the south end of Cockatoo Island. Many sailors were caught off guard (auto-tack/gybe and/or capsizing) when confronted with a gust at 45 degree to the prevailing wind.

A great turn out in all ILCA classes ensured many battles up and down the course, with tight competition. Double Bay Sailing Club was well represented at the regatta with about 30 DBSC Members amongst the 70 competitors.

Congratulations to all members who Raced, and especially to those who Placed:

🥇Harper Spacey 1st ILCA 4
🥇Sylvie Stannage 1st ILCA 6
🥇Charlie Byford 3rd ILCA 6 (1st u19)
🥇Raphael McLachlan 7th ILCA 6 (1st u17)
🥇Daniel Costandi 1st ILCA 7
🥇Campbell Patton 3rd ILCA 7
🥇Brett Beyer 4th ILCA 7 (1st GM)
🥇Healy Ryan 5th ILCA 7 (1st u21)
🥇Hadrien Bourely 13th ILCA 7 (1st AM)

Special thanks goes out to our on-water support team each day:
Saturday: Mark Gray, Justine Scott
Sunday: Scott Finlayson, David Evenden

And to all the parents! And parents who ran support boats.
And our Reach Coach for the Regatta: Page Caldecoat
And Van Allen for Reach logistics

Photos from HHSC


Chris Tattersall

CLub Look-ahead Schedule

  • *Wednesday 12 March: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 7:00pm)

  • *Thursday 13 March: Twilight Racing (5pm splash, Racing 5:30pm to 7:30pm)

  • *Saturday 15 March: Autumn Point Score Races 7 & 8 (2:00pm start)

  • Wednesday 19 March: Twilight Sailing (5pm splash, sailing ‘til 7:00pm)

  • Thursday 20 March: Twilight Racing (5pm splash, Racing 5:30pm to 7:30pm)

  • Saturday 22 March:

Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.

View all racing results here.
The club’s calendar can be viewed and subscribed to here.
Make a tax deductible donation to DBSC here.