79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.




Lumpenproletariat: those who make no contribution to the workers' cause.

DBSC doesn't do lumpenproletariat because we rely entirely on volunteers to keep our club operating, and thus giving working class sailors from Sydney's west the opportunity to enjoy the best fleet sailing on Sydney Harbour for a modest annual subscription.

The instances of volunteering excellence were too numerous to recite without melting down our part of the cloud. However, every bit of volunteering helps from refitting the hose fittings when washing down your Laser to coming in at the crack of dawn during the Metros to clean the toilets: it is all appreciated by your fellow members.

The canteen crew (the anti-lumpenproletariat if there ever was one) are going to keep the 2015/16 effort going by catering for the AGM/presentation supper (see below).  The canteen crew made a record $10k this year with the additional events of the 12s and Metros.  Our supper is free, but to ensure we don't waste food for this event, can you all let Paul know whether you are attending by clicking here.

Annual General Meeting (Friday, 22 May 2014, 7pm)