79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Questions with notice for AGM

Guest User

At the AGM we'll be asking for some feedback: 

1.  Winter sailing. Early Saturday or Sunday mornings?  first point...it should be early (7am ish) so we get the best breeze on an empty harbour and you'll be home before Darling rises.  while Sunday is normally the DBSC sabbath, WSC's winter series sails at 10am, so there is opportunity for the keenest to sail both. 

2.  Summer twilight sailing. Wednesday or Thursday?  Traditionally twilight sailing has been on Wednesdays. We tried Thursday this season and the harbour was empty.  But not as many lasers showed up compared to Wednesdays. Was the problem the day, or were people too busy this year?