79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.




If you have already paid your fees, thank you.

If you were a member last year and have not yet received an email with fee details, please complete this form and we will send you the fee amount and banking details.

If you have received an email and haven't paid your fees, this is a gentle reminder that our financial year started on May 1 and we decided at the AGM two years ago to make payment due at the start of the fiscal year rather than the start of the sailing year in August, and do introduce the change ever the tow years.  The reason is that we want to do as much maintenance and procurement before the sailing starts for everyone.  Leaves the committee members to enjoy the sailing rather than working or doing admin in the Spring.

If you have already paid your fees and you need some tax deductions, see this opportunity.