Learn To Race - 1 November
Guest User
Hi All,
This Saturday, Nov 1st, we have Learn To Race (LTR). As most know, it’s held on the first and third Saturday of the month (Sept to April).
If you wish to attend on Saturday would you kindly let me know.
If you need to hire a boat, please fill in the form on the DBSC website.
The usual plan will be in place i.e. arrive at DBSC at 9am, aim to be on the water about 10am, on- water coaching until about 12 noon.
This week I want to move away from the short races as we’ve done these regularly lately. I’d like to focus on two areas:
1. sailing as a group upwind, concentrating on keeping the boat/rig in balance i.e. boat flat and powered to suit the chop and wind strength. Includes how to absorb gusts.
2. downwind – if winds are kind, learning to sail by the lee. This is so much faster than sailing directly downwind, gives more options and increases stability.
If the weather is poor, assume it’s still on as we can provide under cover discussions about racing a Laser.
Keep in mind there is afternoon club racing at 2pm, if you’d like to race.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Martin White
DBSC LTR voluntary coach
04106 27743