79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


What's on

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1 November - Double Header: Club Championship heats 5&6, plus these races  will be scored for Point score 7&8.  ie position and elapsed time both count.

8 November - Double Bay / Vaucluse Challenge. DBSC to host sailing and a post race BBQ with our friends and foes from VYC. This is one of the best racing days of the series.  It is likely to be one longer race (Course TBA but probably more, longer laps).  Last year, we did great on the home leg and lost on the away, but all up we held the shield.  Just.  VYC are not happy and they are going to be hard to beat this year.  Scoring is based on the first 7 or so from each club, so we need to get as many sailors as we can ahead of their 7th.  ie its heavily biased to the club with the most midfleet sailors. If you've come in the top 10 in any individual club race, we need you to show up with your best form. DBSC NEEDS ALL ITS SAILORS SO NO LEAVE PASSES WILL BE GRANTED!!

Anyone know a PRO for the day?

15 November - Point Score heats 9&10

22 November - State Titles @ Belmont, Non point score sprints @ DBSC.   Sign up for Belmont car pooling, trailers etc old school style on the DBSC clubhouse noticeboard. 

2-4 December - Sail Sydney; Olympic Grade.  For those who spend more time sailing than working.

5-7 December  - Sail Sydney; Masters and open fleet.  Festivus the Rest of Us.  3 day regatta.  Sailing in waters between Shark island and Watsons Bay.

Thursday Twilight Training. weekly @ 5.30pm through to March