Women's Regatta Results 2018
(Apologies from the scorer. Aged eyes and an optimistic view of people’s ages scattered the initial results a little.)
Results are with one race dropped.
Click here for class results.
Click here for the overall results.
U17 4.7 Brooke Wilson
4.7 Overall Brooke Wilson
U21 Radial Sylvie Stanage
Open Radial Brianna Sparre (and a close second by Candice Cushway)
Radial Overall Sylvie Stannage
Green Fleet 4.7 Hayley Messenger
Green Fleet Radial Kylie Symonds
Wild Child (biggest variation in results Sophie Hunt
Most Improved Emily Ball
Happiest Sailor Christine Linhart
Enthusiasm and sportmanship Sophie Hunt
Best Dry Capsize/Recovery Azura
Biggest Risk Taker (start cowboy) Brianna Sparre
Best Backwards Sailing Belle Parker
Funniest Capsize Nikki O'Shea
The most borrowed boat prize Georgie Haysom
Congeniality Prize Ray Martin
Gutsiest and Committed Prize (plus longest commute) Annabelle Connery
Up all nighter award (flapping happily in the breeze) Diana Chen