Race Report - Saturday 18 January 2025
Chris Tattersall
Autumn Point Score, Races 3 & 4
Photos by John Sweeny and Richard McLachlan
PRO David Airey reports:
Saturday dawned with strong winds gusting to 40 knots, and it looked like the PRO's job was going to be to cancel the racing. However, on arriving at the club the wind had abated, and we set the course in steady winds from the south at less than 15 knots. At the briefing I suggested that the winds were less than the forecast 20-25 knots and it would be pleasant sailing.
Once we anchored the Jazzman, the sky cleared and the wind picked up to a challenging 15 to 25 knot gusty southerly that continued throughout the racing. Initially, 31 sailors made it to the start of the first race, but multiple capsizes were order of the day with many not making it to the end of that race. The conditions were mastered by Sylvie Stannage in the Radials and Dave Newman in the Standards who each led from start to finish in both races. Point Score winners were Roberto Blum in both races in the Radials and Dave Newman in both races in the Standards but in a tie with Yves Stenning in the first race.
Thanks to the on-water team of Justin Davey on the Jazzman and John Sweeny, Robert Bruce, Richard McLachlan and Lucy who crewed the RIBs and ensured all returned safely to shore with war stories to tell.