RACE REPORT - SATURDAY 7 September 2024
Chris Tattersall
Photos by Justine Scott
Club Championship Races 1 & 2
By David Huber (LtraR)
The first serious race of the season and we start with the first championship round. A beautiful day on to be on the harbour. It started out sunny but then became overcast. A breeze out of the south-east gradually turning slightly east particularly later in the day. The course was set in the Dardenelles without too much competition from the Etchelles (apart from one entanglement). Only one general recall (for the over-enthusiastic Standard fleet) The breeze started at around 10kts and built slightly to gusts of 12-15kts and relatively steady. Gusts came through in the centre of the course and it seemed that going too far either side spelt trouble. The Radials had a master (mistress?) class from Sylvie who won by large margins in both races.
Congratulations to Sylvie Stanage, Healy Ryan, Alistair Sutherland, Sara Bruce, Roberto Blum and Miles Greenwood in the Radials. In the Standards Campbell Patton, Luke Parker, James Tudball and Daniel Costandi.
Thank you to the PRO Mike Dunn, COTD Charles Byford, CoCOTD Justine Scott for a great course and race organisation, and Robert Bruce on the RIB reserve.
Championship BBQ on the Deck
After sailing we were treated to a BBQ on the deck cooked by Pat Levy. A huge thankyou to Shirley Roach and Hannah Stone for putting it all together (Paul was unable to be there on the day but had prepared stewed rhubarb and cream for desert. What a treat!