Race Report - Saturday 20 April 2024
Chris Tattersall
Autumn Point Score Races 13 & 14
Report by PRO Daryl Lawrence
Saturday was the last Autumn Pointscore races to decide the winners, and it served up a honking southerly to test the 9 Full Rigs, 10 Radials and 4 4.7s that braved the rain squalls to race. A shortish course was set into Double Bay with a bit of pin bias on the start line ready to favour an easterly shift. In race 1, Healy Ryan took full advantage with a port tack start and cleared the fleet. Observant Standard sailors took advantage of the clues. Winds were 23 knots gusting to 29 while the flag mount on the Jazzman was sounding like a pan-flute. There were plenty of shiny hulls and centreboards on display as the squalls hit, and some speedy 13 kt reaching experiences. Everyone kept in order at the starts which meant a quick turn around for the races with the last boat finishing Race 2 at 15:34:10. By five o'clock we were all seated for Paul's wonderful duck fat roasted potatoes, salad, BBQ and home-made rhubarb with ice-cream. A nice end to the season's formal racing. Well done race officials, PRO Daryl Lawrence, LtRAR Scott Finlayson, COTD John Vasey, CoCOTD Peter D'Arcy-King and Rib Reserve Grant Lovelady assisted by Craig Ryan.
Photos by Scott Finlayson
On handicap, Race 1 saw Daniel Costandi, David Airey and Charlotte Jenkins victors in Standards, Radials and 4.7's, respectively. Race 2 went to Nicholas Pellow, Ian Alexander and Jasper Kinsman.
The Autumn Point Score 2024 overall winners ended up as ...
ILCA 7: Nick Pellow, who stole 8 points on Geoff Boscoe to win by 6.5 points.
ILCA 6: Jim (the Hustler) Dounis who scraped in by 2 points against Peter Collie.
ILCA 4: Charlotte Jenkins who maintained a 3 point lead over Jasper Kinsman.
Well done to all who competed!
Photo by Nick Pellow