RACE REPORT 6 January 2024
Chris Tattersall
Photo by the editor
A very respectable 18 Laser sailors rocked up to the start line for an afternoon of Sprint Racing, including a couple of overseas masters taking advantage of our lovely harbour to hone their racing skills in advance of next month’s Worlds in Adelaide. The weather gods were kind, turning a light and fickle easterly into a decent 16-knot nor-easter over the course of the afternoon. It was also nice to have the Clark-to-Shark racecourse area mostly uncontested and the harbour relatively traffic-free.
Our American visitor showed some impressive speed (once he sorted out the start timing), finishing three of the five short races with 100+ metre leads. The racing was close, with some of the mark roundings inspiring spirited discussions on topics such as how much room a Laser actually needs for a seaman-like rounding. All starts were clean (helped no doubt by the incoming tide).
Photos by Andrew Foote and the editor
Many thanks to the on-water team of Jim Dounis and Chris Tattersall (PRO & LTRaR, respectively), and Andrew Foote and Mike Morris (COTD & CCOTD) on mark-setting duty. Shirley and Paul assisted by James Tudball provided on-shore care and feeding.