Volly of the week
Guest User
Double Bay Sailing Club is managed and run entirely by volunteers. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work. There is always work to be done in the upkeep of our shed and the ongoing administration and management of racing.
This week, we’re saying a big thank you to Paul Adam.
Paul has shown incredible dedication to the club over his 37 years as a member. Since 1993, Paul has tirelessly run the club's canteen week in week out. This is a huge job that has great significance for the club.
The canteen is a major cultural hub for the club. It makes the club feel homely and inviting. It gives it heart and soul. Paul is the central and continuous figure (along with dedicated canteen-partner, Shirley) of our canteen offering.
The canteen is also a profit centre for the club, contributing >$10,000 to the club's revenue each year. Paul keeps the club stocked in food and drink year-round, requiring many hours of shopping. And he is an astute shopper too, ever alert to opportunities to increase margin through smart purchasing.
Paul is the first to arrive on both Saturday and Sunday (btw, he does it all for the A18s too, which provides significant additional the income for DBSC). His presence ensures the club remains attended and secure while open, and he also monitors the radios, providing the key and critical point of liaison when those rare emergencies arise. Thus, under Paul’s watchful eye, the canteen doubles as a safety and security centre.
And finally, the canteen feeds us all with the world's best toasties. And let's not forget that incredible warming soup Paul makes by hand for our cold winter sailors!
In short, the club would not be the same without Paul. Much of his contribution is often unseen and thankless but should not go unrecognised. Paul is one of the true heroes of our amazing club. Thank you, Paul!
Paul in the old canteen
The club is full of people making wonderful contributions around the place, and sometimes behind the scenes. Let us know who deserves a mention!
(Thank you to Andrew Cox who wrote this wonderful submission).