SHIP! Watch out!
Guest User
Commodore Steven London recently attended an event by Port Authority of New South Wales conducted to remind recreational users of the harbour that it also remains a commercial port. With Covid lockdowns and travel restrictions eased, we can expect the harbour to become busier again this summer.
To the Captain on the bridge, a laser is a tiny speck in comparison to the vessel. Not only that, but owing to the vessel’s size has large windage, is difficult to turn, and it might surprise some at how fast they are moving.
To the Master on the bridge, you are barely visible.
A laser capsizing in front of a commercial vessel will not have a good outcome for you. Please stay well clear and follow maritime regulations and instructions.
While our racing is conducted outside the main commercial ship track, the commercial shipping channel extends down to Point Piper and Clark Island.
The commercial shipping channel extends down over our racing area.