DBSC Power Station
Guest User
Photo: Andrew Cox
We are delighted to announce that the Double Bay Power Station has been in full operation since late December 2021 with 82 solar panels covering two of our three roof planes.
This is an important part of our sustainability program, which Kate McHugh is coordinating. The power station idea was conceived and coordinated by Mark Crowhurst, who also drove its funding.
We are very grateful to Dave Sharma and the Federal Government for the most recent funding of $12,000 under the Powering Communities Program, that allowed completion of our second roof plane. As previously published, we are also very grateful to Gabrielle Upton and the NSW Government for earlier funding provided towards both the first and second roof planes.
So far this calendar year, our power station has produced 14.9MWh, of which we consumed 2.2MWh and exported 12.7MWh. We also imported and consumed 1.5MWh, resulting in net exports of 11.2MWh. Our net exports are over 3x our power consumption, which is a fantastic give-back that we are able to provide to the community in the form of green power!
We still have scope to do a third plane of panels – so watch this space!