Volly of the week
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Double Bay Sailing Club is managed and run entirely by volunteers. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work. There is always work to be done in the upkeep of our shed and the ongoing running of dinghy racing.
This week we’d like to thank Martin White for his contributions to the club. Martin is responsible for the Learn to Race program, coordinating a team of volunteers to help prospective club racers come to the club and refresh themselves on how to rig and sail a laser. This “try before you buy” scheme is an excellent “sales funnel” for the club, bringing in new members. Martin has also been behind Sailing Stories – our events where noteworthy sailors come and share their experiences in a Michael Parkinson style interview with club members. Martin’s contribution to the club ensures the membership remains vibrant and energised.
Martin interviewing Malcolm Page. Photo: Peter Collie
The club is full of people making wonderful contributions around the place, and sometimes behind the scenes. Let us know who deserves a mention!