60 Seconds With Ian Tudball
Diana Chen
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? I first stepped onto my dad's small fishing boat on Port Philip Bay as a 12 year old. 6 months later my dad had bought a Heron and we joined Elwood Sailing Club. (and he could still fish from it).
2. If money (and sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? Palm Beach 38 motor boat. Great boat for watching yacht racing.
3. What is your ultimate sailing goal? To beat Commodore Cox of DBSC in a race.
4. Tell us the story behind the name of your Laser? My son sourced my secondhand Laser in Brisbane, and he was responsible for naming rites. He chose a family theme.
5. If you could add any ingredient to DBSC's world’s best toasties – what would it be? My grandmother's special chutney recipe.
6. What are your second/third favourite hobbies (assuming sailing is #1)? Attending live music, renovating old houses.
7. Describe what you do for work in less than five words? Architect / boutique property developer.
8. What is the first international destination you will travel to (once we're allowed) and why? Happy staying put in Australia, and I regularly commute between Melbourne / Sydney and Byron (subject to borders being open).
9. What is your favourite TV show, movie, and/or book? A family favourite movie with a music theme "The Commitments". Paul Elevstrom books are prominent on my book shelves. My TV is mostly tuned to SBS.
10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know? Although I have lived in Melbourne most of my life, Sydney Harbour always had a special attraction and I often chauffeured a young, hyperactive, teenage James to regattas on The Harbour. The lock-down of Victoria in July 2020, was the perfect time to quit Victoria, and I then spent Saturday afternoons watching the Lasers race from Double Bay, and enjoying a few training beers with Club members. It was 20 years since I had sailed, and with the advice of members, I bought a boat, and I am now able to get around the course without tipping. DBSC is a great club with wonderful, welcoming members.
1979 Australian 1/4 ton Championship sailed on Port Philip Bay