79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


60 Seconds With Campbell Patton

Diana Chen

1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? I was probably about 4 when I first sailed Etchells with my dad.

2. If money (and sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? Nacra 17

3. What is your ultimate sailing goal? To compete in the Olympics.

4. Tell us the story behind the name of your Laser? Swizzle is named after one of Bermuda’s most popular drinks, the Rum Swizzle (VERY YUMMY), made with Bermuda Goslings Black Seal Rum!

5. If you could add any ingredient to DBSC's world’s best toasties – what would it be? It would be chicken. I love my chicken.

6. What are your second/third favourite hobbies (assuming sailing is #1)? Surfing and playing music (mainly viola).

7. Describe what you do for work in less than five words? Commercial diver in marine construction.

8. What is the first international destination you will travel to (once we're allowed) and why? I’m in Bermuda right now and I’m travelling to Malta for a 6 week training camp (fingers crossed).

9. What is your favourite TV show, movie, and/or book? Favourite show: Prison Break. Favourite movie: Good Will Hunting. Favourite book: either the Power of One or Lord of the Rings.

10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know? By the age of 16 I had travelled to/through 32 different countries (mostly thanks to sailing!). Also I have 4 nipples lol 😅
