79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


60 Seconds with David Newman

Diana Chen

1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? Dad built my sister and me a Sabot when I was 5, and he jumped in with me on a freezing rainy winters day in Melbourne for the first sail.

2. If money (and sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? Hands down a Wally yacht but I'd settle for just about any cruising yacht which I can enjoy with family and friends.

3. What is your ultimate sailing goal? I'm really enjoying the Laser Masters sailing so doing more regattas and a nationals podium and/or worlds top 10 once the kids are older and I can put more time in on the water.

4. Tell us the story behind the name of your Laser? When Ali G aired, I got the nickname "dangerous Dave" which over time morphed into "Danger Mouse" which was a cartoon I loved as a kid - that's the name of my new boat.

5. If you could add any ingredient to DBSC's world’s best toasties – what would it be? I'm a sucker for a toastie full of melted cheese so probably some gruyere!

6. What are your second/third favourite hobbies (assuming sailing is #1)? I've rekindled my love for snow skiing in the past couple of years.

7. Describe what you do for work in less than five words? Sell sticky vinyl.

8. What is the first international destination you will travel to (once we're allowed) and why? We love Japan for the food and culture so hopefully, this time next year to experience some Japow skiing.

9. What is your favourite TV show, movie, and/or book? I love a good crime series. Of the current shows, I'm really looking forward to the new season of Ozark and Peaky Blinders.

10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know? My daughter was in such a hurry to enter the world, I delivered her in the bathtub at home before the ambulance arrived! We got to the hospital nice and early for the birth of my younger son.

In Hobart, rigging prior to the 1992 Sabot nationals.

In Hobart, rigging prior to the 1992 Sabot nationals.