New Brett Beyer Programs
Kirk Marcolina
Our super coach Brett Beyer is back with a full slate of training programs. Check out the details below. If you’re interested in signing up for any of the programs, please email Andrew Cox HERE. Also make sure you read all of the terms and conditions HERE.
1. Brett Beyer Saturday Program – (BBSP)
The BBSP will operate for 8 sessions as follows: 30 Jan, 6 Feb, 20 Feb, 27 Feb, 13 Mar, 20 Mar, 27 Mar, 17 Apr.
A and B subscriptions are available.
The B subscribers will get a fleet-level report on each race, showing:
video with commentary on the start
their GPS track each leg vs the rest of their fleet
their stats on each leg vs the rest of their fleet
comments on the performance of the fleet and correct tactics
The A subscribers will get all the above, as well as an individual report highlighting technical and/or tactical considerations for them specifically, based on Brett’s real time and GPS observations.
The cost for the 8 sessions is $800 for A subscribers and $400 for B subscribers.
2. BB ad hoc Saturdays – 16 Jan and 23 Jan
In addition to the formal BBSP, we are offering ad hoc, single-week BBSP-equivalent subscriptions for 16 Jan and 23 Jan.
The inclusions in these ad hoc subscriptions will be the same as for each week of the formal BBSP, and the same “A” and “B” subscriptions are available.
Subscribers can select either one of the weeks or both of them. The cost is $100 per week for “A” subscribers, and $50 per week for “B” subscribers. 10 subscribers are required for these events to occur.
3. Brett Beyer Twilight Program (BBTP)
The Brett Beyer Twilight Program will also continue for the second half of the season. Please note, the format of the program will be racing only, with no drills. Brett will set up a race course each week, and will conduct racing from 5.30pm-7.30pm. The race course will be set up in an area each week that does not intersect with the CYCA yacht race. Subscribers to the BBTP will receive individual on-water coaching during racing. All sailors are welcome to attend and join the races, whether subscribers to the BBTP or not. There will be a maximum of 10 subscribers, on a first in best dressed basis.
The BBTP will run for 10 consecutive Wednesdays, commencing 27 January, and concluding 31 March. The cost to subscribe is $400.