Keeping our RIBS Floating
Kirk Marcolina
We’re very excited about our new RIB, and we want to make sure both the new Paul Adam and the Dene Bergman remain in tip top shape for years to come. It’s come to our attention that there are two items that are continuously being overlooked / incorrectly used on the RIBs.
First, when transporting the race buoys, some members are attaching the buoys to the lines on the sides of the RIBs. This is damaging those lines and should not be happening. Instead, please attach the buoys to the davit straps at the FRONT of the boat. (Please note that in an earlier edition of the newsletter we said to place them on the straps at the back of the RIB, which is incorrect, and can cause the straps to get tangled in the prop.)
Second, at the end of the day don’t forget to flush the motor and to reinstate the connection on the motor when finished! At the start of the day, double check that this water coolant line has been connected before you start the engine. There have been several times when the line has been left disconnected, which can cause the engine to overheat to a point of ruining the engine. We have placed neon tape around the connection to make it more obvious what parts need to be connected. (See photos below.)
Coolant Line Disconnected. Put the hose into the part on the right to flush the engine at the end of the day.
Coolant Line Connected. Make sure this is connected before you start the engine.