60 Seconds with Brooke Wilson…
Kirk Marcolina
In recent seasons it’s been the young guns at the head of the Radial Fleet. Let’s learn more about one of those ‘kids’ who is always out in front, Brooke Wilson (who is also one of the stars of The Woman’s Regatta Video above):
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat?
I think I was nearly 8 when I hoped into an Opti’s.
2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy?
Extremely hard question, if neither money nor sailing ability were in question, I think I would buy something a bit faster than the laser perhaps a moth or even bigger an AC75.
3. What is your sailing goal?
A bit ambitious, but I have quite a few goals in the sailing world, first and foremost the Olympics but I’ve also started to become extremely interested in offshore racing and have great admiration for the Volvo Ocean race and the like.
4. Tell us the back story to your laser's name?
Well, where do I start; I was competing in the Laser 4.7 Europeans in 2018 in Greece, travelling with Sylvie Stannage and Mina Ferguson chaperoned by Sylvie’s Dad, Chris. We arrived a few weeks before the regatta started and were lucky enough to be coached by Kevin Cabrera Gonzalez, a Spanish coach, who we immediately fell in love with. During the weeks of training and the regatta, there were a few moments were Spanish and English were combined and we all had a good laugh. During one debrief we were talking about the wave state, which at the time was small and choppy, which Kevin described as ‘little choppies’ and the hilariousness that we found in this was extremely amusing. It has stuck with me ever since and hence my boat is called ‘Little choppies’.
5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be?
I’m thinking shitake mushrooms.
6. What are your second/ third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot)
I must admit, sailing takes up a fair portion of my time, but I love to read and also enjoy skiing and being outdoors.
7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words?
8. What’s the first international flight you are going to book post Covid-19? And why?
Too many options on this one, but extremely excited for the first international regatta we are able to get to. I think COVID has made us all appreciate the competition and challenges of racing and has brought us back down to the basics, which I can’t wait to implement.
9. What’s your favourite TV show, movie, and or book?
The absolute classic ‘Love actually’ has to be among my favourite in the movies department.
10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know?
I’m really cannot bake or cook.
Brooke Wilson, sailing at an early age.