60 Seconds with John Conroy…
Kirk Marcolina
Thanks to everyone who has written a 60 Seconds Profile. We’ve received quite a few responses and we’ll be publishing one every week. There’s lots of interesting and surprising titbits, so it should make for some good Wednesday morning reading in the weeks and months to come.
Today we learn about another one of our new DBSC members, John Conroy. He’s getting set to move his laser into the club in the next few weeks. Welcome aboard John!
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat?
I was 4 when my father ,who had never sailed, bought an old 22 foot timber yacht from Boy Messenger at Double Bay.
2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy?
A yacht that my wife , Jillian and I can comfortably cruise the Mediterranean in.
3. What is your sailing goal?
To reach my best potential in the Laser.
4. Tell us the back story to your laser's name?
We have had a series of yachts named ' Star Ferry', so 'Stardust' just seemed like a nice junior version.
5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be?
Yet to sample one.
6. What are your second/ third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot)
Sailing fills all bills. Not necessarily in order: Racing the Laser. Racing the Cruising Adam10. Cruising with Jillian.
7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words?
Director Property Services, Reliant Healthcare.
8. What’s the first international flight you are going to book post Covid-19? And why?
To Los Angeles to see our younger daughter and family.
9. What’s your favourite TV show, movie, and or book?
Fawlty Towers.
10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know?
I only started sailing a Laser about 20 years ago because I got bored watching my daughter racing them at Regattas and thought it looked so simple and easy. Wrong! but fun.
New DBSC Member, John Conroy