60 Seconds With Jim Dounis…
Kirk Marcolina
Jim can be a quiet guy, but he certainly comes into his own in the Pointscore, where this champion is always a threat. Find out more about what makes him tick…
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat?
2013 when I bought my Laser, a few years before I was crewing as a foredeck on a 30ft Young 88.
2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy?
Any boat that could safely sail the Greek Islands.
3. What is your sailing goal?
Go the distance, keeping injuries to a minimum.
4. Tell us the back story to your laser's name?
To simply Go the Distance however my next boat will be called "Keep your Social Distance" ( and stay 1.5 metres behind this stern).
5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be?
A fried egg smothered in BBQ sauce.
6. What are your second/ third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot)
Surfing any waves under 8 foot high.
7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words?
Computer hardware service on IBM products to ensure we get our bills from the likes of Telstra, Energy Australia and the ATO.
8. What’s the first international flight you are going to book post Covid-19? And why?
Central America, somewhere different and now a safer place due to the wall to keep the Yanks out.
9. What’s your favourite TV show, movie, and or book?
The footy but only when East are beating Souths and also when Swans are beating Hawthorne/Collingwood.
10. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know?
I have almost mastered Argentine BBQ but I'm still an apprentice after 25 years. Like my sailing !
We know who’s manning the grill at our next BBQ!