79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Brett Beyer Squads

Kirk Marcolina

We are excited to announce a new Brett Beyer program that we hope to launch at DBSC this season – Brett Beyer Squads!  This will be in addition to the usual BBSP and BBTP – more details on that to come.

The idea would be for groups of 3-6 sailors of similar ability to do regular squad training with Brett – it might be a weekday morning until it warms up, and then a weekday afternoon / evening after that.  Or anytime during the day that suits the group and Brett.  It might be a Saturday morning, or some time on a Sunday.  Brett is flexible as to times, as long as he can fill his day efficiently.

At this stage, all we are asking for is expressions of interest.  The idea will be a pre-booked series of 5 or 10 sessions of 2 hours each.  The cost will be $110 per boat per 2hr session for squads of 3-4 boats and $100 per boat per 2hr session for squads of 5-6 boats.

So, if you are interested in this, please email the Commodore HERE.  Feel free to express interest as an individual, and we will try to match you up with people of similar ability.  Or, if you prefer, feel free to organise it offline with your mates first, and submit yourselves as a group. 

This is an excellent way to improve your skills in a boat-on-boat environment with personalised attention and coaching, but without the much higher cost of private lessons.