Don’t Let the Paul Adam RIB Sink
Kirk Marcolina
The Paul Adam RIB needs to have its bungs in place before lowering into water. It’s critical you do this, otherwise the boat will sink. It is equally critical that the bungs are removed at the end of the day (otherwise the boat will fill up with water and break the davits). Please see photos below.
Andrew Cox holding the bungs.
Inserting the bungs.
In addition to this, please note the following:
The battery switch for the Paul Adam must be turned off at the end of the day. It is in the starboard transom panel.
Last week the radios were not working between the Adam and the Bergman – so take handhelds on Ch73
There is NO PROP GUARD on either of the RIBs, so use extreme caution
Don’t forget to flush the motor and to reinstate the connection on the motor when finished! CHECK it is connected before you start. (Same applies for the Bergman)
Thanks for helping to keep our RIBs in top working order!