Virtual AGM Wrap-up
Kirk Marcolina
Nearly 60 members logged into Zoom for DBSC’s virtual AGM last Friday evening, including Life Members Dene Bergman, Andrea Bergman, Shirley Roach, Mark Bethwaite and Jim Ley.
Commodore Andrew Cox braved the cold and empty clubhouse to broadcast his remarks from there. Andrew recapped this strange COVID-19 shortened season and pointed out the highlights of the year, including the implementation of the club’s three-point strategy focused on (a) training and safety, (b) member engagement and (c) ongoing improvements. You can check out the Commodore’s full report HERE .
Andrew’s setup. Bright lights in a lonely clubhouse.
After the Commodore’s remarks, the Management Committee offered reports and all the 2019/20 sailing awards were presented. Vice-Commodore, Mark Crowhurst did the honours of announcing the awards. Although Shirley Roach wasn’t able to hand out the trophies in person, as she traditionally does, she was there virtually and gave a toast to all the victors. You can see the full list of winners, and their cubes HERE.
DBSC’s most prestigious award, the Club Person of the Year, was also presented. This year the award went to John Chesterman. John is a member of our radial fleet and is one of the principals of architecture firm, Huppauf Chesterman. He has donated an extraordinary amount of professional time this year to assist the club, first in preparing and submitting our successful DA for the piles project and for our proposed solar power station project, and second in planning for and submitting a grant application for Commonwealth Government funding to repair the Steyne Park boat ramps. He had heard we were working on these projects and volunteered to help -- and what critical help it was! We were under tight deadlines to get our DA approved in order to retain a $24,000 NSW Government grant we had been awarded -- and without John's leadership and drive it would almost certainly not have happened. We are tremendously grateful to John for his enormous and significant contribution. He is well deserving of the Club Person of the Year award.
The evening ended with a Q & A session and a brilliant season-recap video that was produced by Diana Chen. You can check out the video below.
Thanks to everyone for attending the AGM, and for the team of Nick Pellow and Diana Chen who made sure the webinar looked and sounded perfect. It was great to see so many members participating in the spirited online chat and cheering on the winners of this season’s sailing awards.
Although the evening was enjoyable, here’s to hoping we can do it in person next year.
The AGM Live on Zoom.