60 Seconds With Andrew Cox…
Kirk Marcolina
We all know him as the man in charge (or the man who thinks he is in charge), but there is so much more to learn about our fearless Commodore. Read on to find out what makes him tick.
1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat?
I was 12yo in Yr 7 at school on Lake Macquarie. Sailing was offered as a school sport, which we did on Wednesday afternoons in summer. We sailed on boats called “gnats”, which my high school teacher had designed. And we made them ourselves out of fibreglass in our “technics” classes at school. We made the foils in woodwork and the spars in metalwork. And the teacher’s wife made the sails. We used to sail around for fun – no coaching, no racing, no clue! But it was fun. This photo below is actually my brother – my parents forgot to get one of me! But it shows the idea.
2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy?
You know, it’s not a very exciting answer, but I really only want a Laser! Nice and simple and I can sail it by myself whenever I want.
3. What is your sailing goal?
I have only one goal – and that is to offset my lack of natural talent with endless tuition until I can eventually claim to be competitive in any masters fleet!
4. Tell us the back story to your laser's name?
My laser is called “troublemaker”. Apart from reflecting my personality more broadly (as sailors from other clubs have observed to me from time to time at regattas), the name arose specifically from what happened when I bought my first laser. I perhaps naively stored it by invitation at a neighbouring club while my membership application there was pending. It rapidly became the central focus of political wrangling that it turned out was ongoing at the club. At one point, someone instructed me to put my boat in their bottom rack spot while they were away. When I naively did so, it brought the furore to a head. I found myself locked out of the changeroom when I returned from sailing, with no access to my clothes, phone, car keys or house keys. My boat was ejected shortly thereafter, finding a welcome home at DBSC. And the rest is history!
5. If you could add any ingredient to our already world’s best toasties – what would it be?
I’m going to join the pesto vote on this one! A little pesto would be an incredible final touch to the masterpiece!
6. What are your second/ third favourite hobbies (obviously assuming sailing holds the #1 spot)
Sailing is certainly what I spend most time on, and I love it. My other most frequent hobbies are snow skiing and mountain bike riding (which is what I do during “sailing time” in winter)
7. Describe what you do for work in less than 5 words?
I sell companies for people
8. What’s the first international flight you are going to book post Covid-19? And why?
I was due to be in France for a wedding in June, and was really looking forward to it. That has now been postponed for a year, and I’m looking forward to re-booking for that!
9. What’s the maximum number of toilet rolls you’ve held in your household post 01 March 2020?
I’ve had a rather large stock of toilet rolls (maybe 40). But this does not reflect panic-buying. It is just normal “working capital” for me – I don’t like wasting time at the shops, so when I’m there, I make the trip worthwhile!
10. What’s your go to Covid-19 dish?
Cheesy potato bake, vege sausages, lentil stew, broccolini
11. What life skill are you committing to learning whilst in lock down?
How to cook!
12. Tell us something interesting about yourself that members of the club don’t know?
Well, Tuddy already let the cat out of the bag … but my favourite game is Scrabble. Anyone want to play online?
Andrew’s brother shows off the style of boat Andrew learned to sail on.