Australian Sailing Online Race Officer Course
Kirk Marcolina
Australian Sailing is running free, online, Club Race Officer courses. (See below for all the details from AS’s regional manager, Carl Webster). Mark Crowhurst has also enquired about Sailing Australia putting on a DBSC specific course, open to our members only. If you are interested in a DBSC course please let Mark know HERE.
In light of the current Covid-19 situation, I have been looking at ways to further engage members during this time. To assist Australian Sailing are putting on five Club Race Officer Courses, to be run as an online interactive video conference via the Microsoft Teams platform. This course would usually be $65.00 per person, however we are offering these at nil cost to the participant at this time. We are encouraging those who might be keen to join us for this 3-hour course to register online.
April 15th – 1500 – 1800 -
April 18th – 0900 – 1200 -
April 29th – 1400 – 1700 -
May 16th – 0900 – 1200 -
June 20th – 0900 – 1200 -