Sail GP this Saturday
Kirk Marcolina
That leads us to what’s happening this Saturday …
The harbour will be a bit busier than normal this Saturday with F50 Catamarans taking up our normal racecourse for the 2nd annual SailGP event. Here’s the spin from their website: “National pride will be on the line as world class teams take part in dramatic, adrenaline-filled racing on the iconic Sydney Harbour.”
They are racing on Saturday from 4pm to 6pm, with a huge exclusion zone starting at 3pm. The exclusion zone will make it very difficult (if not impossible) to sail between Vaucluse and Double Bay. Because of this, we will be running Sprint Racing this Saturday on a course that avoids this exclusion zone.
After the Sprints, some DBSC members are planning on heading out to watch and support SailGP. The boats (RIBs plus Jazzman) will be leaving the deck promptly at 4.10 to maximise the amount of racing we get to watch.
Please RSVP to Emily Ball HERE by midday Friday. This is for members only and will work on a first come, first served basis.
Also, we are looking for 1 x RIB and 1x Jazzman driver. Please let Emily know if you can help.
Australia SailGP Team helmed by Tom Slingsby in action during a practice session ahead of Sydney SailGP. Photo by: Sam Greenfield for SailGP