79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Choppy Spring Point Score Kicks Off

Kirk Marcolina

It was a challenging day for the nearly 40 boats who took to the water for the kick-off heats of the Spring Point Score (which are scored as heats 3 and 4 due to the COVID-delayed season). The wind was a steady 20 knot N/NEer, which at times gusted to well over 25 knots. The fresh breeze was blowing against a strong outgoing current making for a Harbour that resembled a washing machine. 

Congratulations to the robust victors. The results (after handicapping) were: Full Rigs: Michael Osborne (Point Score Heat 3) and Hadrien Bourely (Point Score Heat 4); Radials/4.7s: Evie Saunders (Point Score Heat 3) and Daryl Lawrence (Point Score Heat 4). 

Thanks to the race volunteers who helped in the wild winds — Ashley Deacon (PRO), Richard Au (LTRaR), Andrew Simpson (COTD), Christine Patton (CCO/CO-COTD) and Jules Hall and Hadrien Bourely who helped Paul and Shirley with canteen orders. 

A full fleet ready to battle the big winds. Photo by Christine Patton.

A full fleet ready to battle the big winds. Photo by Christine Patton.