Another Glorious Winter Race
Kirk Marcolina
The forecast looked a bit ominous for heats 7-9 of the Winter Championship. But it turned out to be another spectacular morning of racing for the 28 boats who competed, with sunny skies and an 8 – 12 knot WSW breeze. (Quite a change from the 25 knot plus winds that dominated the previous few days.)
Thanks to the on-water team of Ashley Deacon (PRO Instructor), Kirk Marcolina and Geoff Boscoe (Learn to Run a Race Candidates), and Kate McHugh, Campbell Patton and Emily Ball (COTD/Co-COTD).
The winners were: Standards – Ian Alexander, David Newman, and Jules Hall; Radials – Sylvie Stannage, and Daniel Costandi (heats 8 & 9). We look forward to the next heats of the Winter Championship on Sunday, June 16.
Brett Beyer captures the fleet’s start. Photo by Emily Ball.