Record Fleet Sails in Warm Winter Championship
Kirk Marcolina
A beautifully warm late autumn day and a steady 8 knot WNW breeze greeted a wintertime record 35 sailors who competed in Winter Championships Heats 4-6 on Sunday. It was a gorgeous day for an early morning sail on an almost empty Sydney Harbour.
Excellent race management was provided by the on-water team of Michael Osborne (PRO Instructor), Nick Pellow, Jim Dounis and Wade McDonough (our learn to run a race trainees), Joshua Pearl (COTD) and Pia Hattersley (Co-COTD) . Luke Parker won all three races in the Full Rig Fleet, as did Mina Ferguson in the 4.7s. In the Radial Fleet, the winners were Campbell Patton, Brooke Wilson, and Daniel Costandi. We look forward to heats 7-9 of the Winter Championship on Sunday, June 2.
Big Fleet in Early Morning Light. Photo by Brett Beyer.