Competency Training
Andrew Cox
As part of our ongoing focus on safety and quality of racing, we are again conducting competency training this year for all our members.
No matter how competent you think you are, you will learn something important from this training – so please come along.
We are asking all members please to block out the morning of Saturday, 23 November, and plan to be at the club then.
The topics that will be covered are:
· Davits / RIBs / Jazzman
· Onshore PRO/COTD tasks / radio use
· On-water PRO/COTD instructions / course laying
· Incident management plan
· First aid / CPR / defibrillator
The course will be taught by fellow members – please confirm your attendance via the form HERE and come and support this critical initiative for the club.
Pippa and David explain the defibrillator at Last Season’s Competency Training.