Boat Licence Course – Sunday January 20th (8am-4pm)
Mark Crowhurst
There is ONE spot left in the one-day boat licence course we will be running at DBSC on January 20th provided by ABC Boating and supported by the club.
Members will need to pay $125 to do the course and the club will subsidise the other 50%. All members should have this licence if you perform PRO or COTD duties. It is also good for anyone who just enjoys being on the Harbour in a boat. To make payment and secure the last spot please click on this link:
The weather policy on the day is go unless it's dangerous (e.g. lightning). If you can't attend, it will be your obligation to find an alternate (we will help as long as not at the last minute). If you don't attend without covering your spot, you will be expected to cover the club's contribution on your behalf (e.g. make up the difference that the club is subsidising - another $125).
You will need to provide your licence details to us for our records once you have obtained it. If you do not, we may request additional funds from you to cover the club's contribution.
Please email Christine Linhart if you have any questions