79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Important Note from the Handicappers

Andrew Cox

This is a bit of a long article. The important points are:

- check your results for last weekend and let the handicapper know if incorrect

- check if your sail number is listed in the results section of the website as unknown and let the handicapper know

- all sailors please talk to the handicapper next week and make sure your number is recorded correctly in the system

- number your sail correctly with six digits and no duplication vs other numbers in the fleet or risk disqualification 

The details are as follows:

Race results this week are not yet finalised. The scorers and handicapper have had great difficulty with new members whose sail numbers are not recorded, new boats with new sail numbers, blank un-numbered sails, and incorrectly or partly numbered sails. 

There is a note from the handicapper in the results section of our website www.dbsc.com.au that lists the numbers that are unknown and unscored. Several other results are also incorrect. Can you please check your results and get in touch with the handicappers at results@dbsc.com.au if you believe you are not scored or are incorrectly scored. For example, there are several people who sailed, but whose results are incorrectly recorded as DNC. 

Separately, can all sailors please speak to the handicappers this coming weekend to make sure your number is recorded correctly in their system. We ask every sailor to do this please to assist the scorers and the handicappers.

As a further important note, we are implementing a policy effective immediately that the scorers reserve the right not to score any incorrectly numbered sail. As a leading Laser club, we are committed to observing and enforcing class rules. 

Sail numbers MUST comprise six digits — if you are missing digits from your sails, please add them ASAP. Numbers can be purchased from NB Sailsports. 

Sail numbers must also match hull numbers.  However, we are know some people are using sails handed on from other members. We encourage and support this, so we will not penalise people for mismatching sail / hull numbers. Nevertheless, we do ask that, as a courtesy, if you are using a mismatched sail, please make sure your sail number does not duplicate any other sail number in our fleet. You can do this by removing selected numbers and replacing them with other numbers. If you see someone using a number that duplicates yours, please ask them to change it. 

We need your active and rapid help on this. The scorers and handicappers have already had to spend several unnecessary hours this week trying to sort out results!