79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Sign Up for Brett Beyer Wednesday Program

Kirk Marcolina

Brett Beyer will again run his very successful Brett Beyer Wednesday Program this season.  We are now asking for registrations – the BBWP is capped at 10 people.  The first 10 people to email coaching@dbsc.com.au will be in the program, subject to payment on time when called for.

 The program will commence 31 October, with splash at 5pm for 5.30pm starts. It will run for seven sessions on the following dates:  31 Oct, 7 Nov, 14 Nov, 21 Nov, 28 Nov, 5 Dec, 12 Dec.  NOTE, we will commence twilight sailing from 10 October, but Brett’s program will not start until 31 October due to Brett’s travel.

The cost of the program is $210 (plus merchant fees).  The terms and conditions are as set out here.