Last Chance to Order Discounted Sails
Andrew Cox
We have received a very generous offer from NB Sailsports to provide our members with a significant discount on sails purchased in bulk by Friday, 24 August. Provided we get orders for at least 20 sails, we will be offered an 18% discount on all sails – and the sail numbers will be installed for us at no extra cost.
The price will be $685 (reduced from $840) for Hyde radials and 4.7s, and $872 (reduced from $1,060) for Mk2 standards (all prices include installed numbers and are inclusive of GST).
To secure your order, please deposit the relevant amount into DBSC’s bank account BY FRIDAY 24 AUGUST. In the transfer, please include your NAME and the SAIL NUMBER that you want put onto your sail. You can order as many as you want.
DBSC’s bank account details are BSB 062000, account 16143109. (If the order does not proceed due to insufficient interest or otherwise, you will be refunded).
Note, retail prices are going up 5% on 1 September. So, if you want any other gear before that, get into NB as soon as you can!