Season Opening Sailors' Dinner
If there is one thing you need to do today, it's RSVP for and purchase your ticket to the annual Season Opening Sailors' Dinner!
In true DBSC style, this event is guaranteed to under promise and over deliver.
With just 3 weeks to go, this announcement is deliberately terse. (Use the extra time to sign-up and purchase your ticket!)
- WHAT: The 2018 Season Opening Sailors' Dinner
- WHEN: 3 August, 7pm, RPEYC - 160 Wolseley Rd Point Piper
- WHO: all sailors and regular volunteers welcome
- WHY: eye-off/psych-out/meet the competition. escape the Winter blues. hoedown!
- HOW: RSVP via paperless post invite & payment $100 online. Pay now!
- (includes bar tab until used, two course dinner plus cheese, wine with dinner)
- WARDROBE: black and white, prizes for best costumes!
Join us for a night of fun!