Family Day Fun
Andrew Cox
DBSC’s first annual Family Day was a huge success. A beautifully warm day and gentle breeze greeted the families and friends who came to enjoy the afternoon of fun. There were perfect conditions to give the little ones a chance to helm a laser for the first time. The light breeze allowed a rounding of Clark Island, with some close-up viewing of the huge submarine that was anchored in the harbour. Back on shore the jumping castle got a good workout and the delicious BBQ complete with gummy worms and party pies went down a treat. To round out the evening four double passes to see the new sailing flick, The Mercy, were randomly drawn and won.
A rare sight in Sydney Harbour -- 3 lasers, 6 sailers, 1 sub.
A huge thank you to Kirk Marcolina for conceiving and organizing the day, to Simon Stone and Justin Davey for driving the RIBs and taking out the younger kids, as well to Paul Adam for the delicious catering, and Peter Collie for manning the BBQ.
Jumping fun at Family Day.