Saturday's Results
Kirk Marcolina
We weren’t sure at about 12pm whether the breeze would come. But then it did. Our season-first blistering North-Easter, blowing up to 30kts, was a test of fitness, especially for our winter-rested masters sailors, many of whom were heard in the change rooms after the races talking about which anti-inflammatories they were popping for their sore backs! The conditions didn’t seem to bother our NSW Youth Team club-members and their visiting friends, who powered around the course in the radials and 4.7s. No anti-inflammatories needed.
Thank you to our PRO, Mike Gentry, who was assisted by Clare Alexander, together with our on-water volunteers, Trish Hancock, Charlotte Stanfield, Charlotte Alexander and Finn Alexander.
We had 38 boats competing. The winners on adjusted time were Brooke Wilson and Daniel Costandi in the 4.7s, Robert Young and Andrew Cox in the Radials and Andrew Simpson and Jules Hall in the Standards.
This coming Saturday is sprint racing for the long weekend. Come on down for some always-needed practice! The briefing will be at 1pm and the first warning signal at 2pm, as usual.
Thanks to Mike Gentry for shooting some great video footage. Check out the video below to see some of the downwind action.