Brett Beyer program
Kirk Marcolina
We have had overwhelming enthusiasm for the Brett Beyer Saturday program, with over 40 people indicating interest to participate in the program across the various price points.
Brett Beyer is an Olympic coach and 11 times laser world champion. We are very fortunate to have him working with us!
It is now time to confirm your participation because Brett needs to order GPS units while still in China. Can you please email by the end of this coming weekend with the following details to confirm your participation:
- name
- rig size -- standard, radial or 4.7
- price option (choose one) -- A, B or C
- bib size (over life jacket) -- most likely M or L
The initial program will start on Saturday, 14 October and will run for 10 consecutive weeks*.
All participants will have access to brief on-water comments upon sailing over to the coach boat as they finish each race*, and will be eligible to attend a post-race group debriefing at DBSC after de-rigging. Participants will also receive an emailed report, the content of which will differ for the three different price points as outlined below:
A. Individual GPS -- price ~$900. Individual report including leg-by-leg GPS-based individual tactical analysis vs the winner, and selected individual technical comments*. Click here for a sample report.
B. Group GPS -- price ~$500. Group report including GPS-based leg-by-leg snapshot of the whole fleet and overall preferred tactics, and selected individual technical comments*. Click here for a sample report.
3. No GPS -- price ~$300. Short group report (no GPS analysis) containing a race overview and selected individual technical comments*. Click here for a sample report.
Price points may be amended based on confirmed numbers of participants indicated through the current email confirmation process.
* Notes: The program is conducted by Brett Beyer Sailing and all contractual arrangements are between the participant and Brett Beyer Sailing. Double Bay Sailing Club disclaims all liability. Full terms and conditions will be provided at time of payment. The program will run for 10 consecutive weeks except as indicated in the terms and conditions. Brett Beyer Sailing reserves the right to skip particular weeks at its discretion for reasons that may include, without limitation, conflicting coaching responsibilities, competition events and weather. If a week is skipped at the option of Brett Beyer Sailing, the program will be extended to ensure participants receive a 10-week program. If a participant is unable to attend a particular week when the program is conducted, the participant forfeits that week's entitlement and Brett Beyer Sailing does not have to make good. The sample reports are indicative only and Brett Beyer Sailing does not warrant the form or content and accepts no liability if the form or content differs. Brett Beyer Sailing will record real-time technical observations on various participants using a dictaphone. However, due to the number of participants, and the practicalities involved with monitoring all participants, Brett Beyer Sailing may not provide individual on-water or written technical comments for each participant each week or at all. Brett Beyer Sailing accepts no responsibility for failure of electronic equipment including a failure to record GPS information, and the resulting inability to provide content that is similar to that shown in the sample reports.