Rack allocations
Andrew Cox
When you next arrive at the club, you are likely to find your boat in a different place. This is as a result of our periodic rack re-allocation, made more significant this time by the availability of 15 brand new racks!
We assign racks based on a number of criteria, the most important of which are:
- How often you sail – Saturday races, Wednesday twilights, self-sail / training, learn to race
- How much you help – committee membership, other volunteering, significant recent past service
We will revisit rack allocations again around year end.
But in the meantime, we have 10 spare racks that we want to fill.
If you have any friends, relatives, colleagues or strangers that would like to give it a go, we can get them into one of the club’s hire boats for either one-on-one starter training with an experienced coach or learn-to-race on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month, starting in September.
Put out the word!