Membership fees overdue
Andrew Cox
One of the most unpleasant duties of the commodore is to chase fees. I know it's not sailing season, so you're probably not even thinking about it.
But here's why it's important.
We incur most of our large expense items in the off-season, not the sailing season.
Our insurance is due in winter, our boats are serviced in winter, this year's piles and davit repairs are paid for in winter, club maintenance occurs in winter.
In fact, 75% of our expenses for this coming financial year will occur in the three months of May, June and July. So even though you're not sailing, the club is spending.
The low point in our bank account is going to be $6,000 in July, and that assumes the $27,000 of overdue fees are paid. We need your money now.
Also, it takes a lot of time chasing up fees. Your volunteers have to find time for this between all the other pressures of life. It's the last thing they need.
For example, Clare is about to have to send individual emails to 40 of you. Think how much of her time that is going to waste.
We don't want to have to start moving boats around in the racks, which is about the only stick we have. We're really not that sort of club.
Of course, if you can't pay now for whatever reason, let us know. We will understand. And if you're not sure if you've paid, please ask.
But other than that, please help us to remain the sort of club we want to be. Where everyone pitches in and helps. And we get done what has to get done because we want to. No sticks required.
Thanks for your help with this. PS, we would really appreciate your tax deductible voluntary donations too.