79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Mike Leigh. Tonight. 1 March

Guest User

The 3rd edition in an occasional series.  8pm, Wednesday 1 March at the clubhouse

 Mike Leigh will educate us on:

  1. The science and black arts of downwind sailing. 
  2. Self coaching

Cost is $20, which covers both your food, and Mike's wisdom.  

Previous sessions have been both widely attended and very, very educational.  Everyone (members and friends) are welcome to come.

Please use this link  to pay for the evening so that no cash has to be handed over and we can track the numbers so ordering pizza is relatively pain free.

Registrations close today at noon and NO walk ins (well, you can walk in but PLEASE book online)
