79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Spring Point Score, Heats 11&12 Recap

Kirk Marcolina

A glorious Spring afternoon greeted the 37 sailors that turned up to compete in Heats 11 and 12 of the Spring Point Score. It was a moderate, shifty NE breeze that caused havoc if you got stuck on the wrong side of the course. The winners (after handicapping) were: Full Rigs: Matt Wenke (race 11), Richard Lees (race 12); Radials: Robert Young (race 11), Kirk Marcolina (race 12); 4.7s: Brooke Wilson (both races 11 and 12). Thanks to last week’s volunteers for putting on an awesome day of racing: PRO Andrew Simpson, assisted by Clare Alexander, COTD Mike Horton (assisted by his friend Paul), and Canteen Assistant Sara Brooks. Check out Brett Beyer’s video of the radial starts here, and the full rig starts here.  A special thanks to Ashley Deacon for capturing many great shots of the action on the harbour. You can check them all out on our members only Facebook page, The Top Mark, here.

A Big Fleet Hits the Harbour.

A Big Fleet Hits the Harbour.