79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Harbour Sunsets

Kirk Marcolina

What more could you want than a few sprint races on a long balmy daylight saving afternoon?

At DBSC we make this a reality. And these days “work life balance” is an HR buzz-word. So, remind your boss, stick it in your diary, fill in the Peter Collie Doodle Poll, and come on down. 

Brett Beyer runs the races and all are welcome to join in, whether a subscriber to the Brett Beyer Wednesday Program or not.  Splash is at 5.15 and races start at 5.30. But there is no issue with joining in late. 

Last week we had 12 boats. We want to grow it back to the good old days of ~20 boats. 

But please do fill in the Peter Collie Doodle Poll each week (even if you are a BBWP subscriber). The best way to attract a crowd is to have a crowd. The Doodle Poll makes this happen. And, if you say you’re coming, please turn up because others are relying on you.