79 Bay St
Double Bay NSW 2028

The best ILCA / Laser sailing club in the world, located in Double Bay on Sydney Harbour.


Malcolm, and Lucy, say "sorry"


DOUBLE BAY, AUSTRALIA, January 26, 2017 – Australia Day inevitably leads to the forced retirement of the previous year's honoured Senior Australian of the Year, and the lessor role of Australian of the Year.  Today, DBSC member, da Dr G, retires as Senior Australian of the Year after a stellar twelve months in the role.

Mandatory retirement is both agist and non-meritocratic.

DBSC's #1 fans, Malcolm and Lucy, in a joint-statement said:

"....my number one objective in 2016 was to remove the agist and non-meritocratic criteria of the Senior Australian of the Year, so the committee could renominate da Dr G again. The work he does at St Vincent's Hospital goes on....and Bairdy is generating even more work as he bended to the punters who own pubs.  Unfortunately, the Liberal Party is a broad church, and like cats, can't be herded.  Sorry"