Yoof deliver again!
Photographic Excellence: Melissa Brown Photography
NEWPORT, AUSTRALIA - 12 June 2016: East Coast championships were held at RPAYC this weekend for the Laser 4.7 with a massive fleet in attendance.
DBSC dominated racing, something that has become a recent phenomena in the yoof classes:
Jack Littlechild - 1st
Mark Louis - 4th
Will McMillan - 12th
Henry Davison - 28th (only competing in 1 days of racing)
Madame Secretary of DBSC advised that Master Davison is quite used to multitasking over any particular weekend. Just the other day he was our yoof volunteer helping on the night of the 60th Diamond Jubilee Celebration, in addition to the other stuff he does on the weekend..
Congratulations to all sailors of DBSC.
Note: RPAYAC, Sailing NSW, ILCA and the IOC require sailors to note all club affiliations on regatta registration (so DBSCers are encouraged to note all their clubs on registration, with DBSC first).