National Volunteer Week celebrated at DBSC
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National Volunteer Week sets sail this week across Australia to celebrate and acknowledge the generous contributions of our nation’s volunteers and concludes on Sunday May 15. DBSC is an all volunteer club, so we are especially chuffed this week.
Yachting Australia Chief Executive Officer, Matt Carroll, said that "volunteers are the pillars of the sailing community generally and specifically at DBSC." *
“Without the ongoing support and commitment from volunteers, sailing at DBSC just would not happen,” Carroll said. "We'd be stuck with geriatrics trying to board the Island and the 18's would just practice rigging and unrigging in the park without getting wet. "
“Like many sporting sectors across the country, sailing at DBSC relies on volunteers to organise and coordinate club events, coach, officiate, maintain and upload data to name a few of the many vital tasks our volunteers perform.
“On behalf of the Yachting Australia Board and the sailing community, I would like to congratulate the DBSC volunteers on their contributions to the growth, development and sustainability of sailing.”
* Matt did say most of it, albeit the DBSC specific material was said rather faintly.